7 Proven Marketing Techniques to Rapidly Grow Your Business
Using marketing techniques is both an art and science. The skills to use them with confidence and expertise can be learned and mastered. This workshop teaches you seven (7) marketing techniques you can use to build and rapidly grow your business. You will learn how to get 20% to 50% more business from your current customer base by getting more repeat and referral business; how to bring in new customers with E-mail marketing and B to B promotional events; and the basics of how to use advertising on social media such as Facebook, Google, Yelp and LinkedIn as part of your overall marketing program.
Whether you have a basic or advanced understanding of marketing, you will learn how to be a more aggressive marketer of your services or products by learning these seven (7) proven marketing techniques. After this 3-hour workshop, you will have the marketing skills to more rapidly grow your business.
Topics Covered:
- Establishing an E-mail marketing program and creating E-mail and B to B promotional events to build sales
- Secrets to building a high-response mailing list
- Setting up a blog or newsletter to build your brand and retain and attract new customers
- Publishing articles to promote your business
- How to advertise on Facebook and Google to rapidly grow your business
- Using public speaking to promote your services and build your reputation
- How aggressive networking can help you build your customer base and find strategic partners
- Six (6) marketing concepts that savvy marketers must know
- When to use and when not to use “Free” promotional offers
- How to use “Cross-Selling” and “Up-Selling” to increase sales